Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Author! Author!

It's not that I planned on my daughter becoming a writer or anything. It's just that I assumed, well, it might be a possibility. It being in her blood and all.

Dad and Mom, both writers. The girl was doomed.

And okay, so maybe, just maybe, when I was considering baby names, I thought about how hers might look on the cover of a book. The name would have some gravitas for it to work. I just didn't think anything too cutesy or sexy will set her up for a possible place on the best seller's list. Lacy was clearly out.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

So yesterday was our first parent-teacher conference at A's preschool. We got to view her art "portfolio" among other things. And then the teacher presented the book that A had written and illustrated.

"It's about a princess," The teacher said. Surprise, surprise. We nodded and smiled at the pink scribbles on the front cover. "Want to read it?"

Of course we did.

It went like this:

"Once there was a princess. She died."

Okay. But it continued.

"And then there was an airplane. It fell out of the sky and broke. The end."

We nodded.

"Well," I said to my husband later. "Clearly she is more of a plot-driven writer than a character-driven one."

"Should we be worried?"

"Nah. Maybe she's more of an action/adventure type writer."
He looked at me.

"It's fine. So she'll appeal to more commercial markets that way."

He sighed.

A writer is born.

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